Event Listeners

In order to listen for an event, an event listener must be registered. This is done by making a method with any name, defining the first parameter to be the desired event type, and then affixing the Listener annotation to the method, as illustrated below.

import org.spongepowered.api.event.Listener;

public void onSomeEvent(SomeEvent event) {
    // Do something with the event

In addition, the class containing these methods must be registered with the event manager:


For event listeners on your main plugin class (annotated by Plugin), you do not need to register the object for events as Sponge will do it automatically.


The event bus supports supertypes. For example, ChangeBlockEvent.Break extends ChangeBlockEvent. Therefore, a plugin could listen to ChangeBlockEvent and still receive ChangeBlockEvent.Breaks. However, a plugin listening to just ChangeBlockEvent.Break would not be notified of other types of ChangeBlockEvent.

Registering and Unregistering Event Listeners

To register event listeners annotated by @Listener that are not in the main plugin class, you can use EventManager#registerListeners(Object, Object), which accepts a reference to the plugin and an instance of the class containing the event listeners.

Example: Registering Event Listeners in Other Classes

import org.spongepowered.api.Sponge;

public class ExampleListener {

    public void onSomeEvent(SomeEvent event) {
        // Do something with the event

Sponge.getEventManager().registerListeners(this, new ExampleListener());

Dynamically Registering Event Listeners

Some plugins (such as scripting plugins) may wish to dynamically register an event listener. In that case the event listener is not a method annotated with @Listener, but rather a class implementing the EventListener interface. This event listener can then be registered by calling EventManager#registerListener, which accepts a reference to the plugin as the first argument, the Class of events handled as the second argument, and the listener itself as the final argument. Optionally, you can specify an Order to run the event listener in as the third argument or a boolean value as the fourth argument (before the instance of the listener) which determines whether to call the listener before other server modifications.

Example: Implementing EventListener

import org.spongepowered.api.event.EventListener;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.block.ChangeBlockEvent;

public class ExampleListener implements EventListener<ChangeBlockEvent.Break> {

    public void handle(ChangeBlockEvent.Break event) throws Exception {

Example: Dynamically Registering the Event Listener

EventListener<ChangeBlockEvent.Break> listener = new ExampleListener();
Sponge.getEventManager().registerListener(this, ChangeBlockEvent.Break.class, listener);


For event listeners created with the @Listener annotation, the order of the execution can be configured (see also About @Listener). For dynamically registered listeners this is possible by passing an Order to the third argument the EventManager#registerListener method.

Unregistering Event Listeners

To unregister a single event listener, you can use the EventManager#unregisterListeners(Object) method, which accepts an instance of the class containing the event listeners.

EventListener listener = ...;

Alternatively, you can use EventManager#unregisterPluginListeners(Object), passing in a reference to the plugin, to unregister all event listeners associated with that plugin. Note that this will remove all of the plugin’s event listeners, including those registered with @Listener annotations.

PluginContainer plugin = ...;

About @Listener

The @Listener annotation has a few configurable fields:

  • order is the priority in which the event listener is to be run. See the Order enum in SpongeAPI to see the available options.
  • beforeModifications specifies if the event listener should be called before other server mods, such as Forge mods. By default, this is set to false.

By default, @Listener is configured so that your event listener will not be called if the event in question is cancellable and has been cancelled (such as by another plugin).


To prevent all plugins providing their own reload commands, Sponge provides a built-in callback for plugins to listen to, and when executed, perform any reloading actions. What constitutes as a ‘reloading action’ is purely up to the plugin to decide. The GameReloadEvent will fire when a player executes the /sponge plugins reload command. The event is not necessarily limited to reloading configuration.

import org.spongepowered.api.event.game.GameReloadEvent;

public void reload(GameReloadEvent event) {
    // Do reload stuff

Note that this is different for what generally is considered a ‘reload’, as the event is purely all callback for plugins and does not do any reloading on its own.

Firing Events

To dispatch an event, you need an object that implements the Event interface.

You can fire events using the event bus (EventManager):

boolean cancelled = Sponge.getEventManager().post(theEventObject);

The method returns true if the event was cancelled, false if not.

Firing Sponge Events

It is possible to generate instances of built-in events with the static SpongeEventFactory. This class is automatically generated so there are no Javadocs. Use your IDE’s autocompletion to list the existing methods. The events created by the SpongeEventFactory are then passed to EventManager#post(Event).

Example: Firing LightningEvent

import org.spongepowered.api.event.action.LightningEvent;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.cause.Cause;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.cause.EventContext;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.cause.EventContextKeys;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.SpongeEventFactory;

PluginContainer plugin = ...;
EventContext eventContext = EventContext.builder().add(EventContextKeys.PLUGIN, plugin).build();

LightningEvent lightningEvent = SpongeEventFactory.createLightningEventPre(Cause.of(eventContext, plugin));


A Cause can never be empty. At the very least it should contain your plugin container.