Ore Plugin Submission Guidelines

Welcome to the Ore submission guidelines. This document provides an outline of our expectations for both project and file submissions.

Remember that these are just guidelines and the Ore team, referred to as the “staff” throughout these guidelines, may choose to allow or disallow an action that is not explicitly listed here at our own discretion.


Submitted projects should meet the following expectations:


Your project’s submitted name should not include a version, tagline, or other description. The name should be unique and original and must not have a name implying it is an official Sponge project.

Examples of names that are not acceptable:

  • SpongeWarp
  • SpongeHome
  • SpongeEssentials
  • SpongeCloud

Examples of names that are acceptable:

  • CoolWarps-Sponge
  • MoneyMiner-Sponge
  • Golfball-for-Sponge
  • Calendar-for-Sponge

Main Documentation Page (Home)

This is the first page that anyone will see when visiting your project. Information here should include a clear and concise description of your project’s features and goals. The following, if present in your plugin, should be documented on the main page if relevant:

External Connections

If your project utilizes a web API, phones home to collect data, or otherwise connects to a system external to the server it is running on, the presence of this feature as well as information on how to enable or disable it must be displayed prominently on the main page. If your project’s sole purpose involves utilizing an external system (such as a Sponge plugin that translates chat between languages), a configuration option to toggle making connections to that service is not required. If your plugin sends information (for example, plugin list or player data), the information collected must be listed on the main page.

Examples of systems that require documentation:

  • Statistics or usage information collection (‘metrics’)
  • Geolocation
  • Translation service
  • Web server that runs on the plugin, serving information to users
  • Server that runs on the plugin, listening to requests from other services
  • IRC/Discord/Telegram/WhatsApp bot or relay

Examples of systems that do not require documentation:

  • Local databases or database connections specified by the end-user


The category you choose should be accurate. Your project should use the narrowest category possible rather than any category that slightly applies. If no category appears accurate, the Miscellaneous category should be used.

Monetization / Advertising

Submissions may not be sold, nor may additional features be unlockable with payment. Advertisements and other revenue generating links (e.g. adfly) are not permitted. The documentation may contain a link to a page to donate to the project maintainer or other contributors as thanks but that page may not offer additional features or other plugins/mods for sale.

“Cracked” / Offline-mode / online-mode=false Support

Projects that explicitly state they are designed for such uses are not allowed. Some projects, such as authentication systems, may have functionality that can be useful for servers regardless of the server’s use of Mojang authentication, but they may not promote this additional usage or be specifically designed for servers avoiding Mojang auth. Projects designed for proxies requiring online-mode=false are allowed, provided they are not written to facilitate circumvention of Minecraft account ownership.


We aim to comply entirely with the Mojang EULA. Any plugins, services, posts, and/or links suspected of violating the EULA may be removed at the discretion of the Sponge Staff or at the request of Mojang AB.


Forks are permitted, provided they meet all items in the below list. Staff have the final say in what constitutes an accepted fork. Follow the license of the parent project appropriately.


  • Contain significant changes warranting the creation of a new project. This is to avoid “I changed the message colours in Plugin X and now I claim credit!”, or
  • Continue a plugin that has been abandoned, with proof the author has not been answering messages or has stated the project will no longer be updated.

Acknowledge or credit the past plugin and developers. Essentially, don’t claim it is a new plugin and exclusively your creation.


Files submitted should meet the following expectations:


A file that utilizes obfuscation will be denied unless it falls under the following exception:

NMS Obfuscation

This only applies for plugins which reference Minecraft or a Forge mod. Examples would be a plugin using Mixins or a plugin which doubles as a Forge mod (hybrid plugin). Provided that the only obfuscated references are to obfuscated source generated using ForgeGradle or VanillaGradle, the plugin is allowed to proceed through the review process.

Core Mods and Mixins: Modification of the Minecraft Base Code

Plugins and mods that use a system that modifies the Minecraft base code at runtime, (such as core mods and mixins) must disclose the edits that they make to the Minecraft code, and their reasoning for them. Sponge plugins should use SpongeAPI where possible. Sponge implementations may implement technical restrictions to prevent such modifications from being applied by default. Files are not permitted to attempt to work around these restrictions, but can notify the user that enhanced functionality can be enabled via the Sponge provided configuration options.

External Connections (Web API, Phoning Home, etc.)

Many great features can be written by making calls to external systems. As well as being clearly documented in project descriptions, such functionality should be configurable and disabled by default. If your project’s sole purpose involves utilizing an external system (such as a Sponge plugin that translates chat between languages), connecting to that system does not need to be disableable. If your plugin sends information (e.g. a plugin list, player data, or map data) to external systems, the information collected must be listed on the main page (see above).

Metrics (Data Collection)

Whenever data collected about the server (often referred to as “stats” or “metrics” data, such as server or plugin versions, as well as usage information) is to be sent to an external service, the plugin must first query the Sponge API MetricsConfigManager. Documentation on doing so can be found Here. This API must be checked each time data is sent, not only once. Plugins may not modify the values the API returns, but may encourage users to make the decision to enable the collection and sending of this data for their plugin.


This API was added in API 7.1.0. Plugins built against older API versions must instead check against a variable in a configuration file unique to that plugin for the enabled/disabled status, which must also default to disabled.

Execution of Downloaded Code

We cannot ensure that content that is downloaded and executed at runtime is safe and complies with our guidelines. Any project that performs downloads and execution of code will have warnings on the project page and a warning prior to download to ensure users know the risk.

The following conditions must be also be met by the project:

  • Downloaded content must have hard-coded SHA256 (or better) based hash checking
  • Downloaded content must be explained in the main project page as to what is downloaded and what purpose it serves
  • Downloaded content must be performed over HTTPS connections
  • Downloaded content must not be hosted in a location that will limit downloads (e.g. DropBox, Google Drive)
  • Downloading another plugin must go through Ore’s API in the same fashion as Update Checking

Monetization / Advertising

All functionality present in your plugin should be usable without restriction, and cannot require a license key to operate. External APIs, such as translation or geolocation services, that require payment for functionality can be allowed but must be discussed among staff prior to approval. Plugins may not be used to display advertisements.

Update Checking

Checking for updates should be performed using the provided Ore API. Your plugin may not link anywhere but Ore when directing users of your plugin to download new versions. Note that this update checking counts as an external connection, which must be documented and for which configuration must exist to disable it.

Privilege Granting

Plugins must not grant or revoke feature access to any particular user or group of users determined by the plugin developer. This includes the author granting themselves a special display name or letting themselves use a special command. Features, when applicable, should be locked behind permission nodes, rather than access being predetermined by the author. Commands for granting specific, pre-programmed users OP or permissions are not acceptable.